Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Question 4 - How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Alongside the video shown here, I used many different forms of digital technology in the research & planning, the print production tasks and the evaluation questions.

Research and planning;
I used websites like YouTube to view music videos for research into genre. This element of web 2.0 is extremely helpful as before websites like this existed, the main form of music video viewing was through channels like MTV, websites like this make music videos easily accessible and therefore the research and planning a lot easier.

Facebook is another example of web 2.0 I used which offers the easiest kind of interaction with my audience and allows opportunity for feedback.

Blogger was used throughout the whole precess and this included the blogger app which I used to upload photos taken on my mobile phone (more digital technology) directly and easily.

Print production;
Adobe Photoshop was the biggest use of digital technologies in this task. The camera used to take photos for it was the Nikon D3200 DSLR camera. One these photos were taken I used many tools to place and manipulate them on Photoshop.

I used the magic wand tool and the magnetic lasso tool to select areas which proved particularly helpful as the photos of the morphsuit included tight angles and long curves that a selection box couldn't cover.
As far as colour goes, I used the bucket tool to fill in the majority of the selected areas, in particular the silhouetted man, and then used the paintbrush tool to touch up and errors made in the colouring. After this I used the blur tool to blend any jagged egdes not meant to be there into the background.

Also on the print productions, namely the advert, I used the shape tool so I could add in magazine reviews with 5 star ratings etc. Alongside this I used Google (more web 2.0) to download the logos of two magazines and paste them onto my product. I also did this for Amazon and iTunes logos as well as a barcode for the digipak.

Finally on the print production task I used the path tool to create the effect of a heart rate monitor on the digipak. I used this to draw a path of a suitable shape which would then be filled with a chosen colour. This proved helpful as it made them look a lot more convincing than after I had tried making these shapes without the path tool, and was also considerably quicker.

Finally, the evaluation.
For question 1, I used Adobe Premier Pro like on the music video to slow down the video and I then plugged a microphone into my computer and recorded a voiceover into Audacity for a directors commentary,

For question 2 I used a slide show internet application called PowToon. This allowed me to animate the way the information was portrayed. I then uploaded the PowToon video onto YouTube and embedded it into my blog.

For question 3 I used the Panasonic full HD camcorder as used in the music video to record audience reactions. I also used Facebook to interact with one member of my target audience and used Photoshop to screen grab these answers and add to the video. I used titles like explained in the video above as well.

For this question, question 4, I used the same camcorder to record me speaking the script and then removed the video in Premier Pro. Alongside this I used another web app called Screencast-O-Matic which can record everything on the screen for up to 15 minutes and then be saved as a video file. I blended the audio I recorded with the video recorded on screen in Premier Pro and exported it as the above video.

Question 3 - What have you learned from your audience feedback?

The original audience feedback was given to me for the first idea we had and was largely positive despite the fact that many people didn't believe it could be done. As we found out that they were right and it was proving too difficult, we realised that we had no time to do any real audience research into the new idea and trusted our instinct. This was definitely a downfall as audience research would have made a much more accessible and well put together final product.

This video however shows the audience reactions to the finished video.

Question 1 - In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Question 2 - How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?